NUVA - Unified Nomenclature of Vaccines


The Unified Nomenclature of Vaccines (NUVA) is used to gather vaccination histories from digital or physical sources. The goal is to compile a complete vaccination history, as accurate as the sources allow and interpretable by information systems.

NUVA is maintained by Syadem and published on the ANS website.

Data description

The nomenclature consists of:

The linking concepts represent concepts present in other terminologies. They are integrated to allow the completeness of an autonomous version of NUVA while supporting the connection to these external concepts.

                                    │                 │
                              ┌─────│     Valence     │
                              │     │                 │
                              │     └─────────────────┘
                              │     ┌─────────────────┐
                              │     │                 │
                              ├─────│     Vaccine     │
          ┌──────────────┐    │     │                 │
          │              │    │     └─────────────────┘
          │     NUVA     │────┤
          │              │    │     ┌─────────────────┐
          └──────────────┘    │     │                 │
                              ├─────│     Disease     │
                              │     │                 │
                              │     └─────────────────┘
                              │     ┌─────────────────┐
                              │     │                 │
                              └─────│      Code       │
                                    │                 │

More informations and demonstrations on it’s dedicated documentation


NUVA is accessible threw libraries or a semantic version as an OWL file.

Regarding the libraries, they are available for the following languages:

All these libraries are available upon request at

They all follow the same usage scheme and are organized in the same manner.

At the root level, there are 3 concepts:

All repositories are organized in the same way and are all composed of 2 methods:

The vaccine repository also allows for a search by similarity on the vaccine name and alternative names.

                                    │           │
                                    │  VERSION  │
                                    │           │
                                    │           │
                                    │  QUERIES  │
                                    │           │
                                    │           │
                                    │           │
                              ▼            ▼            ▼
                        ┌──────────┐ ┌──────────┐ ┌──────────┐
                        │          │ │          │ │          │
                        │ VACCINES │ │ VALANCES │ │ DISEASES │
                        │          │ │          │ │          │
                        └──────────┘ └──────────┘ └──────────┘

Concept Details


Vaccines represent:

When the same product is marketed in different territories under different brands (such as BOOSTRIXTETRA, POLIO BOOSTRIX, and BOOSTRIX-POLIO), since production conditions may differ, a vaccine code is assigned for each brand.

For a fully qualified product, the label is unique, not associated with a specific language, and corresponds to the vaccine’s brand name.

For a combination of valences or a target disease, there is a label for each language.

Property Type Description
id string  
name TranslatedField  
code integer  
code_nuva string  
codes Code []  
valence_ids string []  
injection_methods string []  
short_description Description  
description Description  
other_names string []  
distributions Distribution []  
generic boolean  
replaced_by_id null  
created_at string  
updated_at string  



Valence is the minimal functional unit for characterizing a vaccine.

The most explicit valences represent a combination of antigens for the same target disease and a dose. For example, for whooping cough, the following valences are included:

The granularity of valences is adapted to the production of vaccines in the real world.

It is not necessary to create individual valences for antigens targeting variants of the same disease that are always associated. Beyond valences for known vaccines, there are abstract valences, which correspond to vaccination courses with degraded information.

For example, in addition to the three valences mentioned above, abstract valences include:

Abstract valences are presented as the parents of the real valences they could represent. Immunoglobulins against vaccine-preventable diseases are coded as valences, as their delivery has an impact on the vaccination strategy.

Property Type Description
id string  
code integer  
name object  
antigene_type string  
abbreviation string  
translated_abbreviation object  
disease_ids string []  
vaccine_ids string []  
created_at string  
updated_at string  
parent_id string  


Property Type Description
number integer  
major integer  
minor integer  
patch integer  

Here’s the translated Markdown content for the “Code” section:


External codes correspond to the representation of vaccines in other coding systems. They are organized by coding system.

A single vaccine can correspond to multiple external codes from different coding systems, such as pharmaceutical codes (CIS, CIP, PZN, CNK, etc.), logistic codes (GTIN), international vaccine codes (SNOMED-CT, ATC), or national vaccine codes (CVX, THL Rokotevalmisteet, etc.).

For a given external code, there is one and only one vaccine, corresponding to the same level of precision.

Property Type Description
value string The code value, for example 3400936774018 (CIP for BOOSTRIXTETRA)
nomenclature Nomenclature A code indicating the external nomenclature, for example: CIP



Property Type Description
id string  
name TranslatedField  
code integer  
codes Code []  
valence_ids string []  
screenable boolean  
vaccinable boolean  
updated_at string  
created_at string  


  Type Description
area_id string  
name string  
starts_on string  
ends_on string  


Property Type Description
de string  
en string  
fr string  
nl string  
ru string  
ua string  
es string  
it string